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¥Block Diagrams Documentation


¥Introduction to Block Diagrams


¥Definition and Purpose


¥Block diagrams are an intuitive and efficient way to represent complex systems, processes, or architectures visually. They are composed of blocks and connectors, where blocks represent the fundamental components or functions, and connectors show the relationship or flow between these components. This method of diagramming is essential in various fields such as engineering, software development, and process management.


¥The primary purpose of block diagrams is to provide a high-level view of a system, allowing for easy understanding and analysis without delving into the intricate details of each component. This makes them particularly useful for simplifying complex systems and for explaining the overall structure and interaction of components within a system.

许多人使用 Mermaid 流程图来达到此目的。这样做的副作用是自动布局有时会将形状移动到图表制作者不想要的位置。框图使用不同的方法。在此图中,我们让作者完全控制形状的放置位置。

¥Many people use mermaid flowcharts for this purpose. A side-effect of this is that the automatic layout sometimes move shapes to positions that the diagram maker does not want. Block diagrams use a different approach. In this diagram we give the author full control over where the shapes are positioned.


¥General Use Cases


¥Block diagrams have a wide range of applications across various industries and disciplines. Some of the key use cases include:

  • 软件架构:在软件开发中,框图可用于说明软件应用的体系结构。这包括显示不同模块或服务如何交互、数据流和高级组件交互。

    ¥Software Architecture: In software development, block diagrams can be used to illustrate the architecture of a software application. This includes showing how different modules or services interact, data flow, and high-level component interaction.

  • 网络图:框图非常适合表示 IT 和电信中的网络架构。它们可以描述不同的网络设备和服务如何互连,包括路由、交换机、防火墙以及网络上的数据流。

    ¥Network Diagrams: Block diagrams are ideal for representing network architectures in IT and telecommunications. They can depict how different network devices and services are interconnected, including routers, switches, firewalls, and the flow of data across the network.

  • 工艺流程图:在商业和制造中,可以使用框图来创建流程图。这些流程图代表业务或制造流程的各个阶段,有助于可视化步骤顺序、决策点和控制流程。

    ¥Process Flowcharts: In business and manufacturing, block diagrams can be employed to create process flowcharts. These flowcharts represent various stages of a business or manufacturing process, helping to visualize the sequence of steps, decision points, and the flow of control.

  • 电气系统:工程师使用框图来表示电气系统和电路。它们可以说明电气系统的高级结构、不同电气组件之间的相互作用以及电流的流动。

    ¥Electrical Systems: Engineers use block diagrams to represent electrical systems and circuitry. They can illustrate the high-level structure of an electrical system, the interaction between different electrical components, and the flow of electrical currents.

  • 教育目的:框图也广泛用于教育材料中,以简化的方式解释复杂的概念和系统。它们有助于分解和可视化科学理论、工程原理和技术系统。

    ¥Educational Purposes: Block diagrams are also extensively used in educational materials to explain complex concepts and systems in a simplified manner. They help in breaking down and visualizing scientific theories, engineering principles, and technological systems.


¥These examples demonstrate the versatility of block diagrams in providing clear and concise representations of complex systems. Their simplicity and clarity make them a valuable tool for professionals across various fields to communicate complex ideas effectively.

在以下部分中,我们将深入研究使用 Mermaid 创建和操作框图的细节,涵盖从基本语法到高级配置和样式的所有内容。

¥In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of creating and manipulating block diagrams using Mermaid, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced configurations and styling.

使用 Mermaid 创建框图非常简单且易于访问。本节介绍开始构建简单图表所需的基本语法和结构。了解这些基本概念是有效利用 Mermaid 完成更复杂的绘图任务的关键。

¥Creating block diagrams with Mermaid is straightforward and accessible. This section introduces the basic syntax and structure needed to start building simple diagrams. Understanding these foundational concepts is key to efficiently utilizing Mermaid for more complex diagramming tasks.


¥Simple Block Diagrams


¥Basic Structure

框图的核心是由代表不同实体或组件的块组成。在 Mermaid 中,这些块可以使用简单的文本标签轻松创建。框图的最基本形式可以是一系列没有任何连接器的块。

¥At its core, a block diagram consists of blocks representing different entities or components. In Mermaid, these blocks are easily created using simple text labels. The most basic form of a block diagram can be a series of blocks without any connectors.

示例 - 简单框图:要创建一个包含三个标记为 'a'、'b' 和 'c' 的块的简单框图,语法如下:

¥Example - Simple Block Diagram: To create a simple block diagram with three blocks labeled 'a', 'b', and 'c', the syntax is as follows:


¥This example will produce a horizontal sequence of three blocks. Each block is automatically spaced and aligned for optimal readability.


¥Defining the number of columns to use


¥Column Usage

虽然简单的框图是线性且简单的,但更复杂的系统可能需要结构化布局。Mermaid 允许将块组织成多个列,从而有助于创建更复杂和详细的图表。

¥While simple block diagrams are linear and straightforward, more complex systems may require a structured layout. Mermaid allows for the organization of blocks into multiple columns, facilitating the creation of more intricate and detailed diagrams.

示例 - 多柱图:在需要将块分布到多个列的情况下,你可以指定列数并相应地排列块。以下是如何创建具有三列和四个块的框图,其中第四个块出现在第二行中:

¥Example - Multi-Column Diagram: In scenarios where you need to distribute blocks across multiple columns, you can specify the number of columns and arrange the blocks accordingly. Here's how to create a block diagram with three columns and four blocks, where the fourth block appears in a second row:

此语法指示 Mermaid 将块 'a'、'b'、'c' 和 'd' 排列在三列中,并根据需要换行到下一行。此功能对于表示分层或多层系统(例如网络层或分层结构)特别有用。

¥This syntax instructs Mermaid to arrange the blocks 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd' across three columns, wrapping to the next row as needed. This feature is particularly useful for representing layered or multi-tiered systems, such as network layers or hierarchical structures.

Mermaid 框图的这些基本构建块为更复杂的图表提供了基础。语法的简单性允许快速创建和迭代图表,使其成为可视化想法和概念的有效工具。在下一节中,我们将探讨高级块配置选项,包括设置块宽度和创建复合块。

¥These basic building blocks of Mermaid's block diagrams provide a foundation for more complex diagramming. The simplicity of the syntax allows for quick creation and iteration of diagrams, making it an efficient tool for visualizing ideas and concepts. In the next section, we'll explore advanced block configuration options, including setting block widths and creating composite blocks.

3. 高级块配置

¥ Advanced Block Configuration

在基础知识的基础上,本节深入研究 Mermaid 中框图的更高级功能。这些功能使图表设计具有更大的灵活性和复杂性,可适应更广泛的用例和场景。

¥Building upon the basics, this section delves into more advanced features of block diagramming in Mermaid. These features allow for greater flexibility and complexity in diagram design, accommodating a wider range of use cases and scenarios.


¥Setting Block Width


¥Spanning Multiple Columns

在更复杂的图表中,你可能需要跨越多个列的块来强调某些组件或表示更大的实体。Mermaid 允许调整块宽度以覆盖多个列,从而增强图表的可读性和结构。

¥In more complex diagrams, you may need blocks that span multiple columns to emphasize certain components or to represent larger entities. Mermaid allows for the adjustment of block widths to cover multiple columns, enhancing the diagram's readability and structure.

示例 - 跨多列的块:要创建一个块跨越两列的框图,你可以为每个块指定所需的宽度:

¥Example - Block Spanning Multiple Columns: To create a block diagram where one block spans across two columns, you can specify the desired width for each block:

在此示例中,标记为 "A 标签" 的块跨越一列,而块 'b'、'c' 跨越 2 列,'d' 再次分配了自己的列。块大小的这种灵活性对于准确表示具有不同重要性或大小的组件的系统至关重要。

¥In this example, the block labeled "A labels" spans one column, while blocks 'b', 'c' span 2 columns, and 'd' is again allocated its own column. This flexibility in block sizing is crucial for accurately representing systems with components of varying significance or size.


¥Creating Composite Blocks


¥Nested Blocks

复合块或块中的块是 Mermaid 框图语法中的一项高级功能。它们允许表示嵌套或分层系统,其中一个组件包含多个子组件。

¥Composite blocks, or blocks within blocks, are an advanced feature in Mermaid's block diagram syntax. They allow for the representation of nested or hierarchical systems, where one component encompasses several subcomponents.

示例 - 复合块:创建复合块涉及定义父块,然后在其中嵌套其他块。以下是如何定义具有嵌套元素的复合块:

¥Example - Composite Blocks: Creating a composite block involves defining a parent block and then nesting other blocks within it. Here's how to define a composite block with nested elements:

在此语法中,'D' 是较大父块内的嵌套块。此功能对于描述复杂的结构特别有用,例如具有多个服务的服务器或较大组织框架内的部门。

¥In this syntax, 'D' is a nested block within a larger parent block. This feature is particularly useful for depicting complex structures, such as a server with multiple services or a department within a larger organizational framework.


¥Column Width Dynamics


¥Adjusting Widths

Mermaid 还允许根据块的内容动态调整列宽。列的宽度由列中最宽的块确定,确保图表保持平衡和可读。

¥Mermaid also allows for dynamic adjustment of column widths based on the content of the blocks. The width of the columns is determined by the widest block in the column, ensuring that the diagram remains balanced and readable.

示例 - 动态列宽:在具有不同块大小的图表中,Mermaid 会自动调整列宽以适合每列中最大的块。这是一个例子:

¥Example - Dynamic Column Widths: In diagrams with varying block sizes, Mermaid automatically adjusts the column widths to fit the largest block in each column. Here's an example:

此示例演示了 Mermaid 如何动态调整列的宽度以适应最宽的块,在本例中为 'a' 和复合块 'e'。这种动态调整对于创建视觉平衡且易于理解的图表至关重要。

¥This example demonstrates how Mermaid dynamically adjusts the width of the columns to accommodate the widest block, in this case, 'a' and the composite block 'e'. This dynamic adjustment is essential for creating visually balanced and easy-to-understand diagrams.

水平合并块:在需要水平堆叠块的情况下,可以使用列宽来完成任务。可以通过将块放在单个列中来垂直排列。以下是创建 4 个块堆叠在一起的框图的方法:

¥Merging Blocks Horizontally: In scenarios where you need to stack blocks horizontally, you can use column width to accomplish the task. Blocks can be arranged vertically by putting them in a single column. Here is how you can create a block diagram in which 4 blocks are stacked on top of each other:


¥In this example, the width of the merged block dynamically adjusts to the width of the largest child block.

借助这些高级配置选项,可以定制 Mermaid 的框图来表示各种复杂的系统和结构。这些功能提供的灵活性使用户能够创建信息丰富且具有视觉吸引力的图表。在以下部分中,我们将探索更多功能,包括不同的块形状和链接选项。

¥With these advanced configuration options, Mermaid's block diagrams can be tailored to represent a wide array of complex systems and structures. The flexibility offered by these features enables users to create diagrams that are both informative and visually appealing. In the following sections, we will explore further capabilities, including different block shapes and linking options.

4. 块品种和形状

¥ Block Varieties and Shapes

Mermaid 的框图不限于标准矩形形状。可以使用多种块形状,从而可以更细致和定制地表示不同类型的信息或实体。本节概述了可以在 Mermaid 中使用的不同块形状及其特定应用。

¥Mermaid's block diagrams are not limited to standard rectangular shapes. A variety of block shapes are available, allowing for a more nuanced and tailored representation of different types of information or entities. This section outlines the different block shapes you can use in Mermaid and their specific applications.


¥Standard and Special Block Shapes

Mermaid 支持一系列块形状,以满足不同的图表需求,从基本的几何形状到更专业的形式。

¥Mermaid supports a range of block shapes to suit different diagramming needs, from basic geometric shapes to more specialized forms.

示例 - 圆边块

¥Example - Round Edged Block


¥To create a block with round edges, which can be used to represent a softer or more flexible component:

示例 - 体育场形块

¥Example - Stadium-Shaped Block


¥A stadium-shaped block, resembling an elongated circle, can be used for components that are process-oriented:

示例 - 子程序形状

¥Example - Subroutine Shape


¥For representing subroutines or contained processes, a block with double vertical lines is useful:

示例 - 圆柱形

¥Example - Cylindrical Shape


¥The cylindrical shape is ideal for representing databases or storage components:

示例 - 圆形

¥Example - Circle Shape


¥A circle can be used for centralized or pivotal components:

示例 - 不对称、菱形和六边形形状

¥Example - Asymmetric, Rhombus, and Hexagon Shapes


¥For decision points, use a rhombus, and for unique or specialized processes, asymmetric and hexagon shapes can be utilized:







示例 - 平行四边形和梯形

¥Example - Parallelogram and Trapezoid Shapes


¥Parallelogram and trapezoid shapes are perfect for inputs/outputs and transitional processes:

示例 - 双圈

¥Example - Double Circle


¥For highlighting critical or high-priority components, a double circle can be effective:


¥Block Arrows and Space Blocks

Mermaid 还提供独特的形状,例如箭头和空间块,用于定向流动和间距。

¥Mermaid also offers unique shapes like block arrows and space blocks for directional flow and spacing.

示例 - 块箭头

¥Example - Block Arrows


¥Block arrows can visually indicate direction or flow within a process:

示例 - 空间块

¥Example - Space Blocks


¥Space blocks can be used to create intentional empty spaces in the diagram, which is useful for layout and readability:


请注意,你可以使用数字符号 space:num 设置空间块占用的列数,其中 num 是指示 num 列宽度的数字。你还可以使用 space,它默认为一列。

¥Note that you can set how many columns the space block occupied using the number notation space:num where num is a number indicating the num columns width. You can also use space which defaults to one column.

Mermaid 中的各种形状和特殊块增强了框图的表达能力,允许更准确和针对特定上下文的表示。这些选项使用户可以灵活地创建信息丰富且具有视觉吸引力的图表。在接下来的部分中,我们将探索连接这些块并自定义其外观的方法。

¥The variety of shapes and special blocks in Mermaid enhances the expressive power of block diagrams, allowing for more accurate and context-specific representations. These options give users the flexibility to create diagrams that are both informative and visually appealing. In the next sections, we will explore the ways to connect these blocks and customize their appearance.


¥Standard and Special Block Shapes


¥Discuss the various shapes available for blocks, including standard shapes and special forms like block arrows and space blocks.

5. 使用边连接块

¥ Connecting Blocks with Edges

Mermaid 中框图的主要功能之一是能够使用各种类型的边或链接来连接块。本节探讨块互连以表示组件之间的关系和流程的不同方式。

¥One of the key features of block diagrams in Mermaid is the ability to connect blocks using various types of edges or links. This section explores the different ways blocks can be interconnected to represent relationships and flows between components.


¥Basic Linking and Arrow Types

连接块最基本的方面是使用箭头或链接。这些连接器描述了块之间的关系或信息流。Mermaid 提供了一系列箭头类型来满足不同的图表需求。

¥The most fundamental aspect of connecting blocks is the use of arrows or links. These connectors depict the relationships or the flow of information between the blocks. Mermaid offers a range of arrow types to suit different diagramming needs.

示例 - 基本链接

¥Example - Basic Links


¥A simple link with an arrow can be created to show direction or flow from one block to another:

该示例使用简单的箭头说明了从块 'A' 到块 'B' 的直接连接。

¥This example illustrates a direct connection from block 'A' to block 'B', using a straightforward arrow.

此语法创建一条连接 'A' 和 'B' 的线,暗示某种关系或连接,但不指示特定方向。

¥This syntax creates a line connecting 'A' and 'B', implying a relationship or connection without indicating a specific direction.

¥Text on Links

除了连接块之外,通常还需要描述或标记关系。Mermaid 允许在链接上包含文本,为连接提供上下文。

¥In addition to connecting blocks, it's often necessary to describe or label the relationship. Mermaid allows for the inclusion of text on links, providing context to the connections.

示例 - 带链接的文本 要将文本添加到链接,语法包括链接定义中的文本:

¥Example - Text with Links To add text to a link, the syntax includes the text within the link definition:


¥This example show how to add descriptive text to the links, enhancing the information conveyed by the diagram.

示例 - 边缘和样式:

¥Example - Edges and Styles:

6. 样式和定制

¥ Styling and Customization

除了框图的结构和布局之外,Mermaid 还提供广泛的样式选项。这些定制功能允许创建更具视觉特性和信息丰富的图表。本节介绍如何将单独的样式应用于块以及如何使用类在多个元素之间实现一致的样式。

¥Beyond the structure and layout of block diagrams, Mermaid offers extensive styling options. These customization features allow for the creation of more visually distinctive and informative diagrams. This section covers how to apply individual styles to blocks and how to use classes for consistent styling across multiple elements.


¥Individual Block Styling

Mermaid 可以对各个块进行详细的样式设置,允许你应用各种 CSS 属性,例如颜色、描边和边框粗细。此功能对于高亮图表的特定部分或遵守某些视觉主题特别有用。

¥Mermaid enables detailed styling of individual blocks, allowing you to apply various CSS properties such as color, stroke, and border thickness. This feature is especially useful for highlighting specific parts of a diagram or for adhering to certain visual themes.

示例 - 设计单个块的样式

¥Example - Styling a Single Block

要将自定义样式应用于块,你可以使用 style 关键字,后跟块标识符和所需的 CSS 属性:

¥To apply custom styles to a block, you can use the style keyword followed by the block identifier and the desired CSS properties:

在此示例中,定义了名为 'blue' 的类并将其应用于块 'A',而块 'B' 接收单独的样式。这证明了 Mermaid 在同一图表中应用共享和独特样式的灵活性。

¥In this example, a class named 'blue' is defined and applied to block 'A', while block 'B' receives individual styling. This demonstrates the flexibility of Mermaid in applying both shared and unique styles within the same diagram.


¥The ability to style blocks individually or through classes provides a powerful tool for enhancing the visual impact and clarity of block diagrams. Whether emphasizing certain elements or maintaining a cohesive design across the diagram, these styling capabilities are central to effective diagramming. The next sections will present practical examples and use cases, followed by tips for troubleshooting common issues.

7. 实际示例和用例

¥ Practical Examples and Use Cases

当应用于现实场景时,Mermaid 框图的多功能性变得显而易见。本节提供了演示前面几节中讨论的各种功能的应用的实际示例。这些示例展示了如何使用框图以可访问且信息丰富的方式表示复杂的系统和流程。

¥The versatility of Mermaid's block diagrams becomes evident when applied to real-world scenarios. This section provides practical examples demonstrating the application of various features discussed in previous sections. These examples showcase how block diagrams can be used to represent complex systems and processes in an accessible and informative manner.


¥Detailed Examples Illustrating Various Features


¥Combining the elements of structure, linking, and styling, we can create comprehensive diagrams that serve specific purposes in different contexts.

示例 - 系统架构

¥Example - System Architecture


¥Illustrating a simple software system architecture with interconnected components:


¥This example shows a basic architecture with a frontend, backend, and database. The blocks are styled to differentiate between types of components.

示例 - 业务流程

¥Example - Business Process Flow


¥Representing a business process flow with decision points and multiple stages:

这些实际示例和场景强调了 Mermaid 框图在简化和有效地跨各个字段传达复杂信息方面的实用性。

¥These practical examples and scenarios underscore the utility of Mermaid block diagrams in simplifying and effectively communicating complex information across various domains.

下一节“'故障排除和常见问题'”将提供有关解决使用 Mermaid 框图时遇到的常见挑战的见解,以确保流畅的图表绘制体验。

¥The next section, 'Troubleshooting and Common Issues', will provide insights into resolving common challenges encountered when working with Mermaid block diagrams, ensuring a smooth diagramming experience.

8. 故障排除和常见问题

¥ Troubleshooting and Common Issues

使用 Mermaid 框图有时会带来挑战,尤其是当图表的复杂性增加时。本节旨在提供解决常见问题的指导,并提供管理更复杂的图表结构的技巧。

¥Working with Mermaid block diagrams can sometimes present challenges, especially as the complexity of the diagrams increases. This section aims to provide guidance on resolving common issues and offers tips for managing more intricate diagram structures.


¥Common Syntax Errors

理解并避免常见语法错误是获得 Mermaid 图流畅体验的关键。

¥Understanding and avoiding common syntax errors is key to a smooth experience with Mermaid diagrams.

示例 - 错误链接

¥Example - Incorrect Linking


¥A common mistake is incorrect linking syntax, which can lead to unexpected results or broken diagrams:

  A - B

更正:确保使用箭头(--> 或 ---)正确指定块之间的链接,以定义连接的方向和类型。另请记住,框图的基础之一是让作者完全控制框的位置,因此在示例中你需要在框之间添加空格:

¥Correction: Ensure that links between blocks are correctly specified with arrows (--> or ---) to define the direction and type of connection. Also remember that one of the fundaments for block diagram is to give the author full control of where the boxes are positioned so in the example you need to add a space between the boxes:

示例 - 错位的样式

¥Example - Misplaced Styling


¥Applying styles in the wrong context or with incorrect syntax can lead to blocks not being styled as intended:

更正:通过确保用逗号正确分隔样式属性并使用正确的 CSS 属性格式来更正语法:

¥Correction: Correct the syntax by ensuring proper separation of style properties with commas and using the correct CSS property format:


¥Tips for Complex Diagram Structures

管理 Mermaid 图中的复杂性涉及规划和采用最佳实践。

¥Managing complexity in Mermaid diagrams involves planning and employing best practices.


¥Modular Design


¥Break down complex diagrams into smaller, more manageable components. This approach not only makes the diagram easier to understand but also simplifies the creation and maintenance process.


¥Consistent Styling


¥Use classes to maintain consistent styling across similar elements. This not only saves time but also ensures a cohesive and professional appearance.


¥Comments and Documentation

在 Mermaid 语法中使用带有 %% 的注释来记录图表各个部分的用途。这种做法对于保持清晰度非常宝贵,尤其是在团队工作或在一段时间后返回图表时。

¥Use comments with %% within the Mermaid syntax to document the purpose of various parts of the diagram. This practice is invaluable for maintaining clarity, especially when working in teams or returning to a diagram after some time.

通过这些故障排除提示和最佳实践,你可以有效管理和解决 Mermaid 框图中的常见问题。最后一部分,'结论',将总结本文档中涵盖的要点,并邀请用户反馈以进行持续改进。

¥With these troubleshooting tips and best practices, you can effectively manage and resolve common issues in Mermaid block diagrams. The final section, 'Conclusion', will summarize the key points covered in this documentation and invite user feedback for continuous improvement.

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