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流程图 - 基础语法

¥Flowcharts - Basic Syntax

流程图由节点(几何形状)和边(箭头或线条)组成。Mermaid 代码定义了如何制作节点和边,并适应不同的箭头类型、多方向箭头以及任何与子图的链接。

¥Flowcharts are composed of nodes (geometric shapes) and edges (arrows or lines). The Mermaid code defines how nodes and edges are made and accommodates different arrow types, multi-directional arrows, and any linking to and from subgraphs.


如果你在流程图节点中使用单词 "end",请将整个单词或任何字母大写(例如,"End" 或 "END"),或应用此 workaround。输入全部小写字母的 "end" 将破坏流程图。


如果你使用字母 "o" 或 "x" 作为连接流程图节点的首字母,请在字母前添加空格或将字母大写(例如,"dev--- ops"、"dev---Ops")。输入 "A---oB" 将创建 circle edge。输入 "A---xB" 将创建 cross edge


¥A node (default)


id 是框中显示的内容。


除了 flowchart,还可以使用 graph


¥A node with text

也可以在框中设置与 id 不同的文本。如果执行此操作多次,则它将是为要使用的节点找到的最后一个文本。此外,如果稍后为节点定义边,则可以省略文本定义。渲染盒子时将使用先前定义的值。

¥It is also possible to set text in the box that differs from the id. If this is done several times, it is the last text found for the node that will be used. Also if you define edges for the node later on, you can omit text definitions. The one previously defined will be used when rendering the box.


¥Unicode text

使用 " 将 unicode 文本括起来。

¥Use " to enclose the unicode text.

Markdown 格式

¥Markdown formatting

使用双引号和反引号 "text" 将 Markdown 文本括起来。

¥Use double quotes and backticks "text" to enclose the markdown text.




¥This statement declares the direction of the Flowchart.


¥This declares the flowchart is oriented from top to bottom (TD or TB).

这声明流程图是从左到右定向的 (LR)。

¥This declares the flowchart is oriented from left to right (LR).


¥Possible FlowChart orientations are:

  • TB - 从上到下

    ¥TB - Top to bottom

  • TD - 自上而下/与从上到下相同

    ¥TD - Top-down/ same as top to bottom

  • BT - 从下到上

    ¥BT - Bottom to top

  • RL - 从右到左

    ¥RL - Right to left

  • LR - 从左到右

    ¥LR - Left to right


¥Node shapes


¥A node with round edges


¥A stadium-shaped node


¥A node in a subroutine shape


¥A node in a cylindrical shape


¥A node in the form of a circle


¥A node in an asymmetric shape


¥Currently only the shape above is possible and not its mirror. This might change with future releases.


¥A node (rhombus)


¥A hexagon node




¥Parallelogram alt




¥Trapezoid alt


¥Double circle

Mermaid 流程图中的扩展节点形状 (v11.3.0+)

¥Expanded Node Shapes in Mermaid Flowcharts (v11.3.0+)

Mermaid 引入了 30 种新形状,以增强流程图创建的灵活性和精确度。这些新形状提供了更多选项来直观地表示流程、决策、事件、数据存储以及流程图中的其他元素,从而提高清晰度和语义含义。

¥Mermaid introduces 30 new shapes to enhance the flexibility and precision of flowchart creation. These new shapes provide more options to represent processes, decisions, events, data storage visually, and other elements within your flowcharts, improving clarity and semantic meaning.


¥New Syntax for Shape Definition

Mermaid 现在支持定义形状类型的通用语法,以适应不断增长的形状数量。此语法允许你使用清晰灵活的格式将特定形状分配给节点:

¥Mermaid now supports a general syntax for defining shape types to accommodate the growing number of shapes. This syntax allows you to assign specific shapes to nodes using a clear and flexible format:

A@{ shape: rect }

此语法将节点 A 创建为矩形。它的渲染方式与 A["A"]A 相同。

¥This syntax creates a node A as a rectangle. It renders in the same way as A["A"], or A.


¥Complete List of New Shapes


¥Below is a comprehensive list of the newly introduced shapes and their corresponding semantic meanings, short names, and aliases:

Semantic NameShape NameShort NameDescriptionAlias Supported
CardNotched Rectanglenotch-rectRepresents a cardcard, notched-rectangle
CollateHourglasshourglassRepresents a collate operationcollate, hourglass
Com LinkLightning BoltboltCommunication linkcom-link, lightning-bolt
CommentCurly BracebraceAdds a commentbrace-l, comment
Comment RightCurly Bracebrace-rAdds a comment
Comment with braces on both sidesCurly BracesbracesAdds a comment
Data Input/OutputLean Rightlean-rRepresents input or outputin-out, lean-right
Data Input/OutputLean Leftlean-lRepresents output or inputlean-left, out-in
DatabaseCylindercylDatabase storagecylinder, database, db
DecisionDiamonddiamDecision-making stepdecision, diamond, question
DelayHalf-Rounded RectangledelayRepresents a delayhalf-rounded-rectangle
Direct Access StorageHorizontal Cylinderh-cylDirect access storagedas, horizontal-cylinder
Disk StorageLined Cylinderlin-cylDisk storagedisk, lined-cylinder
DisplayCurved Trapezoidcurv-trapRepresents a displaycurved-trapezoid, display
Divided ProcessDivided Rectanglediv-rectDivided process shapediv-proc, divided-process, divided-rectangle
DocumentDocumentdocRepresents a documentdoc, document
EventRounded RectangleroundedRepresents an eventevent
ExtractTriangletriExtraction processextract, triangle
Fork/JoinFilled RectangleforkFork or join in process flowjoin
Internal StorageWindow Panewin-paneInternal storageinternal-storage, window-pane
JunctionFilled Circlef-circJunction pointfilled-circle, junction
Lined DocumentLined Documentlin-docLined documentlined-document
Lined/Shaded ProcessLined Rectanglelin-rectLined process shapelin-proc, lined-process, lined-rectangle, shaded-process
Loop LimitTrapezoidal Pentagonnotch-pentLoop limit steploop-limit, notched-pentagon
Manual FileFlipped Triangleflip-triManual file operationflipped-triangle, manual-file
Manual InputSloped Rectanglesl-rectManual input stepmanual-input, sloped-rectangle
Manual OperationTrapezoid Base Toptrap-tRepresents a manual taskinv-trapezoid, manual, trapezoid-top
Multi-DocumentStacked DocumentdocsMultiple documentsdocuments, st-doc, stacked-document
Multi-ProcessStacked Rectanglest-rectMultiple processesprocesses, procs, stacked-rectangle
OddOddoddOdd shape
Paper TapeFlagflagPaper tapepaper-tape
Prepare ConditionalHexagonhexPreparation or condition stephexagon, prepare
Priority ActionTrapezoid Base Bottomtrap-bPriority actionpriority, trapezoid, trapezoid-bottom
ProcessRectanglerectStandard process shapeproc, process, rectangle
StartCirclecircleStarting pointcirc
StartSmall Circlesm-circSmall starting pointsmall-circle, start
StopDouble Circledbl-circRepresents a stop pointdouble-circle
StopFramed Circlefr-circStop pointframed-circle, stop
Stored DataBow Tie Rectanglebow-rectStored databow-tie-rectangle, stored-data
SubprocessFramed Rectanglefr-rectSubprocessframed-rectangle, subproc, subprocess, subroutine
SummaryCrossed Circlecross-circSummarycrossed-circle, summary
Tagged DocumentTagged Documenttag-docTagged documenttag-doc, tagged-document
Tagged ProcessTagged Rectangletag-rectTagged processtag-proc, tagged-process, tagged-rectangle
Terminal PointStadiumstadiumTerminal pointpill, terminal
Text BlockText BlocktextText block


¥Example Flowchart with New Shapes


¥Here’s an example flowchart that utilizes some of the newly introduced shapes:





终点 (体育场)

¥Terminal Point (Stadium)




¥Database (Cylinder)

开始 (圆形)

¥Start (Circle)




¥Decision (Diamond)

准备条件 (六边形)

¥Prepare Conditional (Hexagon)


¥Data Input/Output (Lean Right)


¥Data Input/Output (Lean Left)

优先操作 (梯形底面底部)

¥Priority Action (Trapezoid Base Bottom)

手动操作 (梯形底面顶部)

¥Manual Operation (Trapezoid Base Top)

停止 (双圆圈)

¥Stop (Double Circle)


¥Text Block


¥Card (Notched Rectangle)


¥Lined/Shaded Process

开始 (小圆形)

¥Start (Small Circle)

停止 (带框的圆圈)

¥Stop (Framed Circle)

分叉/连接 (长矩形)

¥Fork/Join (Long Rectangle)


¥Collate (Hourglass)


¥Comment (Curly Brace)


¥Comment Right (Curly Brace Right)


¥Comment with braces on both sides

¥Com Link (Lightning Bolt)




¥Delay (Half-Rounded Rectangle)


¥Direct Access Storage (Horizontal Cylinder)

磁盘存储 (带线圆柱体)

¥Disk Storage (Lined Cylinder)

显示 (弧形梯形)

¥Display (Curved Trapezoid)

分割流程 (分割矩形)

¥Divided Process (Divided Rectangle)

提取 (小三角形)

¥Extract (Small Triangle)

内部存储 (窗格)

¥Internal Storage (Window Pane)

连接 (实心圆)

¥Junction (Filled Circle)


¥Lined Document

循环限制 (缺口五边形)

¥Loop Limit (Notched Pentagon)

手动文件 (翻转三角形)

¥Manual File (Flipped Triangle)

手动输入 (倾斜矩形)

¥Manual Input (Sloped Rectangle)

多文档 (堆叠文档)

¥Multi-Document (Stacked Document)

多进程 (堆叠矩形)

¥Multi-Process (Stacked Rectangle)

纸带 (标志)

¥Paper Tape (Flag)

存储的数据 (蝴蝶结矩形)

¥Stored Data (Bow Tie Rectangle)

摘要 (带十字的圆圈)

¥Summary (Crossed Circle)


¥Tagged Document

标记的流程 (标记矩形)

¥Tagged Process (Tagged Rectangle)

Mermaid 流程图中的特殊形状(v11.3.0+)

¥Special shapes in Mermaid Flowcharts (v11.3.0+)

Mermaid 还引入了 2 种特殊形状来增强你的流程图:图标和图片。这些形状允许你直接在流程图中包括图标和图片,从而提供更多的视觉背景和清晰度。

¥Mermaid also introduces 2 special shapes to enhance your flowcharts: icon and image. These shapes allow you to include icons and images directly within your flowcharts, providing more visual context and clarity.


¥Icon Shape

你可以使用 icon 形状在流程图中包括图标。要使用图标,你需要先注册图标包。按照提供的说明 此处。定义图标形状的语法如下:

¥You can use the icon shape to include an icon in your flowchart. To use icons, you need to register the icon pack first. Follow the instructions provided here. The syntax for defining an icon shape is as follows:



  • 图标:来自注册图标包的图标名称。

    ¥icon: The name of the icon from the registered icon pack.

  • 表格:指定图标的背景形状。如果未定义,图标将没有背景。选项包括:

    ¥form: Specifies the background shape of the icon. If not defined there will be no background to icon. Options include:

    • square

    • circle

    • rounded

  • 标签:与图标关联的文本标签。这可以是任何字符串。如果未定义,则不会显示任何标签。

    ¥label: The text label associated with the icon. This can be any string. If not defined, no label will be displayed.

  • pos:标签的位置。如果未定义,标签将默认为图标底部。可能的值是:

    ¥pos: The position of the label. If not defined label will default to bottom of icon. Possible values are:

    • t

    • b

  • h:图标的高度。如果未定义,则默认为 48,这是最小值。

    ¥h: The height of the icon. If not defined this will default to 48 which is minimum.


¥Image Shape

你可以使用 image 形状在流程图中包括图片。定义图片形状的语法如下:

¥You can use the image shape to include an image in your flowchart. The syntax for defining an image shape is as follows:



  • 图片:要显示的图片的 URL。

    ¥img: The URL of the image to be displayed.

  • 标签:与图片关联的文本标签。这可以是任何字符串。如果未定义,则不会显示任何标签。

    ¥label: The text label associated with the image. This can be any string. If not defined, no label will be displayed.

  • pos:标签的位置。如果未定义,则标签将默认为图片底部。可能的值是:

    ¥pos: The position of the label. If not defined, the label will default to the bottom of the image. Possible values are:

    • t

    • b

  • w:图片的宽度。如果未定义,则默认为图片的自然宽度。

    ¥w: The width of the image. If not defined, this will default to the natural width of the image.

  • h:图片的高度。如果未定义,则默认为图片的自然高度。

    ¥h: The height of the image. If not defined, this will default to the natural height of the image.

  • 约束:确定图片是否应限制节点大小。此设置还确保图片保持其原始纵横比,并根据宽度(w)调整高度(h)。如果未定义,则默认为 off 可能的值是:

    ¥constraint: Determines if the image should constrain the node size. This setting also ensures the image maintains its original aspect ratio, adjusting the height (h) accordingly to the width (w). If not defined, this will default to off Possible values are:

    • on

    • off


¥These new shapes provide additional flexibility and visual appeal to your flowcharts, making them more informative and engaging.

¥Links between nodes


¥Nodes can be connected with links/edges. It is possible to have different types of links or attach a text string to a link.

¥A link with arrow head

¥An open link

¥Text on links


¥A link with arrow head and text


¥Dotted link

¥Dotted link with text

¥Thick link

¥Thick link with text

¥An invisible link


¥This can be a useful tool in some instances where you want to alter the default positioning of a node.

¥Chaining of links


¥It is possible declare many links in the same line as per below:


¥It is also possible to declare multiple nodes links in the same line as per below:


¥You can then describe dependencies in a very expressive way. Like the one-liner below:

如果使用基本语法描述同一个图,则需要四行。警告一句,这样做可能会导致流程图更难以 Markdown 形式阅读。我想到了瑞典语“lagom”。意思是,不能太多,也不能太少。这也适用于表达语法。

¥If you describe the same diagram using the basic syntax, it will take four lines. A word of warning, one could go overboard with this making the flowchart harder to read in markdown form. The Swedish word lagom comes to mind. It means, not too much and not too little. This goes for expressive syntaxes as well.

将 ID 附加到边缘

¥Attaching an ID to Edges

Mermaid 现在支持将 ID 分配给边缘,类似于将 ID 和元数据附加到节点的方式。此功能为边上更高级的样式、类和动画功能奠定了基础。

¥Mermaid now supports assigning IDs to edges, similar to how IDs and metadata can be attached to nodes. This feature lays the groundwork for more advanced styling, classes, and animation capabilities on edges.



要为边赋予 ID,请在边语法前面加上 ID,后跟 @ 字符。例如:

¥To give an edge an ID, prepend the edge syntax with the ID followed by an @ character. For example:

在此示例中,e1 是连接 AB 的边缘的 ID。然后你可以在以后的定义或样式语句中使用此 ID,就像使用节点一样。

¥In this example, e1 is the ID of the edge connecting A to B. You can then use this ID in later definitions or style statements, just like with nodes.


¥Turning an Animation On

为边分配 ID 后,你可以通过定义边的属性来为该边启用动画:

¥Once you have assigned an ID to an edge, you can turn on animations for that edge by defining the edge’s properties:

这告诉 Mermaid 边 e1 应该是动画。

¥This tells Mermaid that the edge e1 should be animated.


¥Selecting Type of Animation


¥In the initial version, two animation speeds are supported: fast and slow. Selecting a specific animation type is a shorthand for enabling animation and setting the animation speed in one go.



这相当于 { animate: true, animation: fast }

¥This is equivalent to { animate: true, animation: fast }.

使用 classDef 语句进行动画

¥Using classDef Statements for Animations

你还可以通过为边缘分配一个类,然后在 classDef 语句中定义动画属性来为边缘设置动画。例如:

¥You can also animate edges by assigning a class to them and then defining animation properties in a classDef statement. For example:


¥In this snippet:

  • e1@--> 创建 ID 为 e1 的边。

    ¥e1@--> creates an edge with ID e1.

  • classDef animate 定义了一个名为 animate 的类,该类具有样式和动画属性。

    ¥classDef animate defines a class named animate with styling and animation properties.

  • class e1 animateanimate 类应用于边 e1

    ¥class e1 animate applies the animate class to the edge e1.

关于转义逗号的说明:设置 stroke-dasharray 属性时,请记住将逗号转义为 \,,因为逗号在 Mermaid 的样式定义中用作分隔符。

¥Note on Escaping Commas: When setting the stroke-dasharray property, remember to escape commas as \, since commas are used as delimiters in Mermaid’s style definitions.


¥New arrow types


¥There are new types of arrows supported:

  • 圆边

    ¥circle edge

  • 交叉边缘

    ¥cross edge


¥Circle edge example


¥Cross edge example


¥Multi directional arrows


¥There is the possibility to use multidirectional arrows.

¥Minimum length of a link


¥Each node in the flowchart is ultimately assigned to a rank in the rendered graph, i.e. to a vertical or horizontal level (depending on the flowchart orientation), based on the nodes to which it is linked. By default, links can span any number of ranks, but you can ask for any link to be longer than the others by adding extra dashes in the link definition.

在以下示例中,在从节点 B 到节点 E 的链接中添加了两个额外的破折号,以便它比常规链接多跨越两个等级:

¥In the following example, two extra dashes are added in the link from node B to node E, so that it spans two more ranks than regular links:

注意 链接仍可能比渲染引擎所请求的等级数更长,以适应其他请求。

¥Links may still be made longer than the requested number of ranks by the rendering engine to accommodate other requests.


¥When the link label is written in the middle of the link, the extra dashes must be added on the right side of the link. The following example is equivalent to the previous one:


¥For dotted or thick links, the characters to add are equals signs or dots, as summed up in the following table:



¥Special characters that break syntax


¥It is possible to put text within quotes in order to render more troublesome characters. As in the example below:


¥Entity codes to escape characters


¥It is possible to escape characters using the syntax exemplified here.

给出的数字以 10 为基数,因此 # 可以编码为 #35;。还支持使用 HTML 字符名称。

¥Numbers given are base 10, so # can be encoded as #35;. It is also supported to use HTML character names.



subgraph title
    graph definition


¥An example below:

你还可以为子图设置显式 id。

¥You can also set an explicit id for the subgraph.




¥With the graphtype flowchart it is also possible to set edges to and from subgraphs as in the flowchart below.


¥Direction in subgraphs

使用 graphtype 流程图,你可以使用方向语句来设置子图渲染的方向,如本例所示。

¥With the graphtype flowcharts you can use the direction statement to set the direction which the subgraph will render like in this example.




¥If any of a subgraph's nodes are linked to the outside, subgraph direction will be ignored. Instead the subgraph will inherit the direction of the parent graph:

Markdown 字符串

¥Markdown Strings

"Markdown 字符串" 功能通过提供更通用的字符串类型来增强流程图和思维导图,该字符串类型支持粗体和斜体等文本格式选项,并自动将文本换行在标签内。

¥The "Markdown Strings" feature enhances flowcharts and mind maps by offering a more versatile string type, which supports text formatting options such as bold and italics, and automatically wraps text within labels.



  • 对于粗体文本,请在文本前后使用双星号 (**)。

    ¥For bold text, use double asterisks (**) before and after the text.

  • 对于斜体,请在文本前后使用单个星号 (*)。

    ¥For italics, use single asterisks (*) before and after the text.

  • 对于传统字符串,你需要添加 <br> 标签以使文本换行在节点中。但是,当文本变得太长时,Markdown 字符串会自动换行,并允许你只需使用换行符而不是 <br> 标记来开始新行。

    ¥With traditional strings, you needed to add <br> tags for text to wrap in nodes. However, markdown strings automatically wrap text when it becomes too long and allows you to start a new line by simply using a newline character instead of a <br> tag.


¥This feature is applicable to node labels, edge labels, and subgraph labels.


¥The auto wrapping can be disabled by using

  markdownAutoWrap: false
graph LR



可以将单击事件绑定到节点,单击可以导致 JavaScript 回调或将在新浏览器选项卡中打开的链接。

¥It is possible to bind a click event to a node, the click can lead to either a javascript callback or to a link which will be opened in a new browser tab.


使用 securityLevel='strict' 时禁用此功能,使用 securityLevel='loose' 时启用此功能。

click nodeId callback
click nodeId call callback()
  • nodeId 是节点的 id

    ¥nodeId is the id of the node

  • 回调是在显示图形的页面上定义的 javascript 函数的名称,该函数将以 nodeId 作为参数进行调用。

    ¥callback is the name of a javascript function defined on the page displaying the graph, the function will be called with the nodeId as parameter.


¥Examples of tooltip usage below:

  window.callback = function () {
    alert('A callback was triggered');

工具提示文本用双引号引起来。工具提示的样式由 .mermaidTooltip 类设置。

¥The tooltip text is surrounded in double quotes. The styles of the tooltip are set by the class .mermaidTooltip.

成功 工具提示功能和链接到 URL 的功能从 0.5.2 版本开始提供。

¥The tooltip functionality and the ability to link to urls are available from version 0.5.2.

?> 由于 Docsify 处理 JavaScript 回调函数方式的限制,可以在 这个 jsfiddle 查看上述代码的替代工作演示。

¥?> Due to limitations with how Docsify handles JavaScript callback functions, an alternate working demo for the above code can be viewed at this jsfiddle.

默认情况下,链接在同一浏览器选项卡/窗口中打开。可以通过向点击定义添加链接目标来更改此设置(支持 _self_blank_parent_top):

¥Links are opened in the same browser tab/window by default. It is possible to change this by adding a link target to the click definition (_self, _blank, _parent and _top are supported):

初学者提示 — 在 html 上下文中使用交互式链接的完整示例:

¥Beginner's tip—a full example using interactive links in a html context:

  <pre class="mermaid">
    flowchart LR
        click A callback "Tooltip"
        click B "" "This is a link"
        click C call callback() "Tooltip"
        click D href "" "This is a link"

    window.callback = function () {
      alert('A callback was triggered');
    const config = {
      startOnLoad: true,
      flowchart: { useMaxWidth: true, htmlLabels: true, curve: 'cardinal' },
      securityLevel: 'loose',



可以在流程图中输入注释,解析器将忽略这些注释。注释需要独占一行,并且必须以 %%(双百分号)开头。注释开始后到下一个换行符的任何文本都将被视为注释,包括任何流语法

¥Comments can be entered within a flow diagram, which will be ignored by the parser. Comments need to be on their own line, and must be prefaced with %% (double percent signs). Any text after the start of the comment to the next newline will be treated as a comment, including any flow syntax


¥Styling and classes

¥Styling links

可以设置链接样式。例如,你可能想要设计一个在流程中向后移动的链接。由于链接没有像节点一样的 id,因此需要其他一些方法来决定链接应附加到什么样式。使用图表中定义链接时的顺序号来代替 ids,或者使用默认值应用于所有链接。在下面的示例中,linkStyle 语句中定义的样式将属于图中的第四个链接:

¥It is possible to style links. For instance, you might want to style a link that is going backwards in the flow. As links have no ids in the same way as nodes, some other way of deciding what style the links should be attached to is required. Instead of ids, the order number of when the link was defined in the graph is used, or use default to apply to all links. In the example below the style defined in the linkStyle statement will belong to the fourth link in the graph:

linkStyle 3 stroke:#ff3,stroke-width:4px,color:red;


¥It is also possible to add style to multiple links in a single statement, by separating link numbers with commas:

linkStyle 1,2,7 color:blue;


¥Styling line curves

如果默认方法不能满足你的需求,可以设置用于项目之间线条的曲线类型的样式。可用的曲线样式包括 basisbumpXbumpYcardinalcatmullRomlinearmonotoneXmonotoneYnaturalstepstepAfterstepBefore

¥It is possible to style the type of curve used for lines between items, if the default method does not meet your needs. Available curve styles include basis, bumpX, bumpY, cardinal, catmullRom, linear, monotoneX, monotoneY, natural, step, stepAfter, and stepBefore.

在此示例中,从左到右的图表使用 stepBefore 曲线样式:

¥In this example, a left-to-right graph uses the stepBefore curve style:

%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'stepBefore' } } }%%
graph LR

有关可用曲线的完整列表,包括自定义曲线的说明,请参阅 d3-shape 项目中的 形状 文档。

¥For a full list of available curves, including an explanation of custom curves, refer to the Shapes documentation in the d3-shape project.


¥Styling a node


¥It is possible to apply specific styles such as a thicker border or a different background color to a node.



¥More convenient than defining the style every time is to define a class of styles and attach this class to the nodes that should have a different look.


¥A class definition looks like the example below:

    classDef className fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;


¥Also, it is possible to define style to multiple classes in one statement:

    classDef firstClassName,secondClassName font-size:12pt;


¥Attachment of a class to a node is done as per below:

    class nodeId1 className;


¥It is also possible to attach a class to a list of nodes in one statement:

    class nodeId1,nodeId2 className;

添加类的一种较短形式是使用 ::: 运算符将类名附加到节点,如下所示:

¥A shorter form of adding a class is to attach the classname to the node using the :::operator as per below:


¥This form can be used when declaring multiple links between nodes:


¥CSS classes

还可以在 CSS 样式中预定义类,这些类可以从图形定义中应用,如下例所示:

¥It is also possible to predefine classes in CSS styles that can be applied from the graph definition as in the example below:


¥Example style

  .cssClass > rect {
    fill: #ff0000;
    stroke: #ffff00;
    stroke-width: 4px;


¥Example definition


¥Default class

如果一个类被命名为 default,它将被分配给所有没有特定类定义的类。

¥If a class is named default it will be assigned to all classes without specific class definitions.

    classDef default fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;

对 fontawesome 的基本支持

¥Basic support for fontawesome

可以添加来自 fontawesome 的图标。

¥It is possible to add icons from fontawesome.

通过语法 fa:#icon class name# 访问图标。

¥The icons are accessed via the syntax fa:#icon class name#.

如果网站上包含 CSS,Mermaid 支持 Font Awesome。Mermaid 对可以使用的 Font Awesome 版本没有任何限制。

¥Mermaid supports Font Awesome if the CSS is included on the website. Mermaid does not have any restriction on the version of Font Awesome that can be used.

请参阅 官方 Font Awesome 文档 了解如何将其包含在你的网站中。

¥Please refer the Official Font Awesome Documentation on how to include it in your website.

<head> 中添加此代码片段将添加对 Font Awesome v6.5.1 的支持

¥Adding this snippet in the <head> would add support for Font Awesome v6.5.1



¥Custom icons

只要网站导入相应的工具包,就可以使用 Font Awesome 提供的自定义图标。

¥It is possible to use custom icons served from Font Awesome as long as the website imports the corresponding kit.

请注意,目前这是 Font Awesome 的付费功能。

¥Note that this is currently a paid feature from Font Awesome.

对于自定义图标,你需要使用 fak 前缀。

¥For custom icons, you need to use the fak prefix.



flowchart TD
    B[fa:fa-twitter] %% standard icon
    B-->E(fak:fa-custom-icon-name) %% custom icon


¥And trying to render it

¥Graph declarations with spaces between vertices and link and without semicolon

  • 在图形声明中,语句现在也可以不以分号结束。在 0.2.16 版本之后,以分号结束图形语句只是可选的。因此,下面的图形声明也与旧的图形声明一样有效。

    ¥In graph declarations, the statements also can now end without a semicolon. After release 0.2.16, ending a graph statement with semicolon is just optional. So the below graph declaration is also valid along with the old declarations of the graph.

  • 顶点和链接之间允许有一个空格。但是,顶点及其文本以及链接及其文本之间不应有任何空格。图形声明的旧语法也将起作用,因此这个新功能是可选的,引入它是为了提高可读性。

    ¥A single space is allowed between vertices and the link. However there should not be any space between a vertex and its text and a link and its text. The old syntax of graph declaration will also work and hence this new feature is optional and is introduced to improve readability.


¥Below is the new declaration of the graph edges which is also valid along with the old declaration of the graph edges.





图表的布局是通过渲染器完成的。默认渲染器是 dagre。

¥The layout of the diagram is done with the renderer. The default renderer is dagre.

从 Mermaid 版本 9.4 开始,你可以使用名为 elk 的备用渲染器。Elk 渲染器更适合更大和/或更复杂的图表。

¥Starting with Mermaid version 9.4, you can use an alternate renderer named elk. The elk renderer is better for larger and/or more complex diagrams.

Elk 渲染器是一个实验性功能。你可以通过添加以下指令将渲染器更改为 elk:

¥The elk renderer is an experimental feature. You can change the renderer to elk by adding this directive:

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%%


请注意,网站需要使用 Mermaid 9.4 以上版本才能正常工作,并在延迟加载配置中启用此功能。




¥It is possible to adjust the width of the rendered flowchart.

这是通过定义 mermaid.flowchartConfig 或通过 CLI 使用带有配置的 JSON 文件来完成的。mermaidCLI 页面描述了如何使用 CLI。mermaid.flowchartConfig 可以设置为带有配置参数的 JSON 字符串或相应的对象。

¥This is done by defining mermaid.flowchartConfig or by the CLI to use a JSON file with the configuration. How to use the CLI is described in the mermaidCLI page. mermaid.flowchartConfig can be set to a JSON string with config parameters or the corresponding object.

mermaid.flowchartConfig = {
    width: 100%

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