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¥Class diagrams


¥"In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects."



¥The class diagram is the main building block of object-oriented modeling. It is used for general conceptual modeling of the structure of the application, and for detailed modeling to translate the models into programming code. Class diagrams can also be used for data modeling. The classes in a class diagram represent both the main elements, interactions in the application, and the classes to be programmed.

Mermaid 可以渲染类图。

¥Mermaid can render class diagrams.




UML 提供了表示类成员(例如属性和方法)以及有关它们的附加信息的机制。图中类的单个实例包含三个部分:

¥UML provides mechanisms to represent class members, such as attributes and methods, and additional information about them. A single instance of a class in the diagram contains three compartments:

  • 顶部隔间包含类的名称。它以粗体居中打印,第一个字母大写。它还可能包含描述类性质的可选注释文本。

    ¥The top compartment contains the name of the class. It is printed in bold and centered, and the first letter is capitalized. It may also contain optional annotation text describing the nature of the class.

  • 中间的部分包含类的属性。它们左对齐且第一个字母小写。

    ¥The middle compartment contains the attributes of the class. They are left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.

  • 底部隔间包含该类可以执行的操作。它们也是左对齐的,并且第一个字母是小写的。

    ¥The bottom compartment contains the operations the class can execute. They are also left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.


¥Define a class


¥There are two ways to define a class:

  • 显式使用关键字 class(如 class Animal)来定义 Animal 类。

    ¥Explicitly using keyword class like class Animal which would define the Animal class.

  • 通过一次定义两个类及其关系的关系。例如,Vehicle <|-- Car

    ¥Via a relationship which defines two classes at a time along with their relationship. For instance, Vehicle <|-- Car.

命名约定:类名只能由字母数字字符(包括 unicode)、下划线和短划线 (-) 组成。

¥Naming convention: a class name should be composed only of alphanumeric characters (including unicode), underscores, and dashes (-).


¥Class labels


¥In case you need to provide a label for a class, you can use the following syntax:


¥You can also use backticks to escape special characters in the label:


¥Defining Members of a class

UML 提供了表示类成员(例如属性和方法)的机制,以及有关它们的附加信息。

¥UML provides mechanisms to represent class members such as attributes and methods, as well as additional information about them.

Mermaid 根据括号 () 是否存在来区分属性和函数/方法。带有 () 的被视为函数/方法,所有其他被视为属性。

¥Mermaid distinguishes between attributes and functions/methods based on if the parenthesis () are present or not. The ones with () are treated as functions/methods, and all others as attributes.


¥There are two ways to define the members of a class, and regardless of whichever syntax is used to define the members, the output will still be same. The two different ways are :

  • 使用 :(冒号)后跟成员名称来关联类的成员,这对于一次定义一个成员很有用。例如:

    ¥Associate a member of a class using : (colon) followed by member name, useful to define one member at a time. For example:

  • 使用 {} 括号关联类的成员,其中成员分组在大括号内。适合一次定义多个成员。例如:

    ¥Associate members of a class using {} brackets, where members are grouped within curly brackets. Suitable for defining multiple members at once. For example:


¥Return Type

或者,你可以使用将返回的数据类型来结束方法/函数定义(注意:最终的 ) 和返回类型之间必须有空格)。一个例子:

¥Optionally you can end a method/function definition with the data type that will be returned (note: there must be a space between the final ) and the return type). An example:


¥Generic Types

泛型可以表示为类定义的一部分,也可以表示为类成员/返回类型。为了将该项目表示为通用项,请将该类型括在 ~(波形符)内。支持嵌套类型声明(例如 List<List<int>>),但当前不支持包含逗号的泛型。(如 List<List<K, V>>

¥Generics can be represented as part of a class definition, and for class members/return types. In order to denote an item as generic, you enclose that type within ~ (tilde). Nested type declarations such as List<List<int>> are supported, though generics that include a comma are currently not supported. (such as List<List<K, V>>)

请注意,当在类定义中使用泛型时,泛型类型不被视为类名称的一部分。IE。:对于任何需要引用类名的语法,你需要删除定义的类型部分。这也意味着 mermaid 目前不支持两个具有相同名称但泛型类型不同的类。

¥note when a generic is used within a class definition, the generic type is NOT considered part of the class name. i.e.: for any syntax which required you to reference the class name, you need to drop the type part of the definition. This also means that mermaid does not currently support having two classes with the same name, but different generic types.




¥To describe the visibility (or encapsulation) of an attribute or method/function that is a part of a class (i.e. a class member), optional notation may be placed before that members' name:

  • + 民众

    ¥+ Public

  • - 私有的

    ¥- Private

  • # 受保护

    ¥# Protected

  • ~ 封装/内部

    ¥~ Package/Internal

请注意,你还可以通过在方法末尾添加以下符号来在方法定义中包含其他分类器,即:在 () 或返回类型之后:

¥note you can also include additional classifiers to a method definition by adding the following notation to the end of the method, i.e.: after the () or after the return type:

  • * 摘要例如:someAbstractMethod()*someAbstractMethod() int*

    ¥* Abstract e.g.: someAbstractMethod()* or someAbstractMethod() int*

  • $ 静态例如:someStaticMethod()$someStaticMethod() String$

    ¥$ Static e.g.: someStaticMethod()$ or someStaticMethod() String$


¥note you can also include additional classifiers to a field definition by adding the following notation to the very end:

  • $ 静态例如:String someField$

    ¥$ Static e.g.: String someField$


¥Defining Relationship


¥A relationship is a general term covering the specific types of logical connections found on class and object diagrams.


目前支持的 UML 下为类定义了八种不同类型的关系:

¥There are eight different types of relations defined for classes under UML which are currently supported:



¥We can use the labels to describe the nature of the relation between two classes. Also, arrowheads can be used in the opposite direction as well:


¥Labels on Relations


¥It is possible to add label text to a relation:



¥Two-way relations

关系在逻辑上可以表示 N:M 关联:

¥Relations can logically represent an N:M association:


¥Here is the syntax:

[Relation Type][Link][Relation Type]

其中 Relation Type 可以是以下之一:

¥Where Relation Type can be one of:


Link 可以是以下之一:

¥And Link can be one of:



¥Lollipop Interfaces


¥Classes can also be given a special relation type that defines a lollipop interface on the class. A lollipop interface is defined using the following syntax:

  • bar ()-- foo

  • foo --() bar


¥The interface (bar) with the lollipop connects to the class (foo).


¥Note: Each interface that is defined is unique and is meant to not be shared between classes / have multiple edges connecting to it.


¥Define Namespace


¥A namespace groups classes.


¥Cardinality / Multiplicity on relations


¥Multiplicity or cardinality in class diagrams indicates the number of instances of one class that can be linked to an instance of the other class. For example, each company will have one or more employees (not zero), and each employee currently works for zero or one companies.


¥Multiplicity notations are placed near the end of an association.


¥The different cardinality options are :

  • 1 只有 1 个

    ¥1 Only 1

  • 0..1 零或一

    ¥0..1 Zero or One

  • 1..* 一个或多个

    ¥1..* One or more

  • * 许多

    ¥* Many

  • n n(其中 n>1)

    ¥n n (where n>1)

  • 0..n 0 到 n(其中 n>1)

    ¥0..n zero to n (where n>1)

  • 1..n 1 到 n(其中 n>1)

    ¥1..n one to n (where n>1)

通过将文本选项放在给定箭头之前或之后的引号 " 内,可以轻松定义基数。例如:

¥Cardinality can be easily defined by placing the text option within quotes " before or after a given arrow. For example:

[classA] "cardinality1" [Arrow] "cardinality2" [ClassB]:LabelText


¥Annotations on classes


¥It is possible to annotate classes with markers to provide additional metadata about the class. This can give a clearer indication about its nature. Some common annotations include:

  • <<Interface>> 表示一个接口类

    ¥<<Interface>> To represent an Interface class

  • <<Abstract>> 表示一个抽象类

    ¥<<Abstract>> To represent an abstract class

  • <<Service>> 代表一个服务类

    ¥<<Service>> To represent a service class

  • <<Enumeration>> 表示一个枚举

    ¥<<Enumeration>> To represent an enum

注释在开头 << 和结尾 >> 内定义。有两种方法可以向类添加注释,两种方法的输出都是相同的:

¥Annotations are defined within the opening << and closing >>. There are two ways to add an annotation to a class, and either way the output will be same:

  • 在定义类之后的单独一行中:

    ¥In a separate line after a class is defined:

  • 在与类定义一起的嵌套结构中:

    ¥In a nested structure along with the class definition:



可以在类图中输入注释,解析器将忽略该注释。注释需要独占一行,并且必须以 %%(双百分号)开头。下一个换行符之前的任何文本都将被视为注释,包括任何类图语法。

¥Comments can be entered within a class diagram, which will be ignored by the parser. Comments need to be on their own line, and must be prefaced with %% (double percent signs). Any text until the next newline will be treated as a comment, including any class diagram syntax.


¥Setting the direction of the diagram


¥With class diagrams you can use the direction statement to set the direction in which the diagram will render:



可以将单击事件绑定到节点。单击可能会导致 JavaScript 回调或导致在新浏览器选项卡中打开的链接。注意:使用 securityLevel='strict' 时禁用此功能,使用 securityLevel='loose' 时启用此功能。

¥It is possible to bind a click event to a node. The click can lead to either a javascript callback or to a link which will be opened in a new browser tab. Note: This functionality is disabled when using securityLevel='strict' and enabled when using securityLevel='loose'.


¥You would define these actions on a separate line after all classes have been declared.

action className "reference" "tooltip"
click className call callback() "tooltip"
click className href "url" "tooltip"
  • action 是 linkcallback,具体取决于你想要调用的交互类型

    ¥action is either link or callback, depending on which type of interaction you want to have called

  • className 是与操作关联的节点的 id

    ¥className is the id of the node that the action will be associated with

  • Reference 可以是 url 链接,也可以是回调的函数名称。

    ¥reference is either the url link, or the function name for callback.

  • (可选)工具提示是悬停在元素上时显示的字符串(注意:工具提示的样式由 .mermaidTooltip 类设置。)

    ¥(optional) tooltip is a string to be displayed when hovering over element (note: The styles of the tooltip are set by the class .mermaidTooltip.)

  • 注意:将以 nodeId 作为参数调用回调函数。

    ¥note: callback function will be called with the nodeId as parameter.



可以使用 note "line1\nline2" 在图表上添加注释。可以使用 note for <CLASS NAME> "line1\nline2" 为特定类添加注释。

¥It is possible to add notes on the diagram using note "line1\nline2". A note can be added for a specific class using note for <CLASS NAME> "line1\nline2".




¥URL Link:



  const callbackFunction = function () {
    alert('A callback was triggered');

成功 工具提示功能和链接到 URL 的功能从 0.5.2 版本开始提供。

¥The tooltip functionality and the ability to link to urls are available from version 0.5.2.

初学者提示 — 在 HTML 页面中使用交互式链接的完整示例:

¥Beginner's tip—a full example using interactive links in an HTML page:

  <pre class="mermaid">
    Animal <|-- Duck
    Animal <|-- Fish
    Animal <|-- Zebra
    Animal : +int age
    Animal : +String gender
    Animal: +isMammal()
    Animal: +mate()
    class Duck{
      +String beakColor
    class Fish{
      -int sizeInFeet
    class Zebra{
      +bool is_wild

      callback Duck callback "Tooltip"
      link Zebra "" "This is a link"

    const callback = function () {
      alert('A callback was triggered');
    const config = {
      startOnLoad: true,
      securityLevel: 'loose',




¥Styling a node

可以使用 style 关键字将特定样式(例如较粗的边框或不同的背景颜色)应用于单个节点。

¥It is possible to apply specific styles such as a thicker border or a different background color to an individual node using the style keyword.


¥Note that notes and namespaces cannot be styled individually but do support themes.



¥More convenient than defining the style every time is to define a class of styles and attach this class to the nodes that should have a different look.


¥A class definition looks like the example below:

classDef className fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;


¥Also, it is possible to define style to multiple classes in one statement:

classDef firstClassName,secondClassName font-size:12pt;


¥Attachment of a class to a node is done as per below:

cssClass "nodeId1" className;


¥It is also possible to attach a class to a list of nodes in one statement:

cssClass "nodeId1,nodeId2" className;

添加类的更简短形式是使用 ::: 运算符将类名附加到节点:

¥A shorter form of adding a class is to attach the classname to the node using the ::: operator:




¥Default class

如果某个类名为 default,它将应用于所有节点。应在之后定义特定的样式和类以覆盖应用的默认样式。

¥If a class is named default it will be applied to all nodes. Specific styles and classes should be defined afterwards to override the applied default styling.

classDef default fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;


¥CSS Classes

还可以在 CSS 样式中预定义类,这些类可以从图形定义中应用,如下例所示:

¥It is also possible to predefine classes in CSS styles that can be applied from the graph definition as in the example below:


¥Example style

  .styleClass > * > g {
    fill: #ff0000;
    stroke: #ffff00;
    stroke-width: 4px;


¥Example definition

不能同时使用此简写方法和关系语句添加 cssClasses。

¥cssClasses cannot be added using this shorthand method at the same time as a relation statement.




¥Members Box


¥It is possible to hide the empty members box of a class node.

这是通过更改类图配置的 hideEmptyMembersBox 值来完成的。有关如何编辑 Mermaid 配置的更多信息,请参阅 配置页面。

¥This is done by changing the hideEmptyMembersBox value of the class diagram configuration. For more information on how to edit the Mermaid configuration see the configuration page.

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